March 25, 2009

I can't do it!

Sometimes I feel like I am never going to get caught up on everything I need to get done. Here's a list of things I need to get done before this weekend, while taking care of 6 kids (4 under the age of 2)! I'm going to lose my mind!

* Finish the photo montage for Wendy Wyatt for the wedding reception
* Put together a plan for Amanda & Thomas' wedding photography
* Make hotel reservation for Glenn and I for the wedding shoot on April 18th
* Neighborhood Association meeting Thursday night
* Cub Scout den meeting Wednesday night
* Go over activity plans with Glenn for Cub Scout meeting
* Do a mountain of laundry (this is NO exaggeration)
* Clean up bedroom to make room for the new chaise
* Find out about Camp Widjiwagan registration for Hunter (deadline is coming up!)
* Call a plumber about lack of hot water pressure
* Get Bridget's bachlorette party gift (lingerie)
* Prepare for Fusion 09 Art Show on Saturday (get cards ready, tags, hanging, story print)
* Finish YMCA registration
* Set up a workout schedule for the Y (classes, etc.)

Ok, this is all I can think of for now. And man, it really helps to be able to get it all out!

1 comment:

Onna said...

You are definitely one busy lady!
Best of luck on this list. :) You're Wonder Woman, you can do it!